
Publications in peer-review journals

Machado R, Santos P, Sousa-Neves N, Pirnat J (2024) The Recent Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Grasslands in Slovenia: Contribution to Their Preservation and Management. Rangeland Ecology & Management.

Bicho C, Machado R, Alpizar-Jara R, Santos P (2024) Planning for Deer-Hunting Management at the Local and Regional Scales: Reconciling Economic, Social and Ecological Functions. Land 13, 1–23.

Paixão L, Machado R (2023) LDT4QGIS: An open-source tool to enhance landscape analysis. Ecological Informatics. 75 (2023) 102073.

Machado R, Neto Duarte L, Gil A, Sousa-Neves N, Pirnat J, Santos P. (2021) Supporting the spatial management of invasive alien plants through assessment of landscape dynamics and connectivity. Restoration Ecology.
DOI: 10.1111/rec.13592

Guiomar N, Godinho S, Rivera M, Pinto-Correia T, Machado R, Czekaj M, Tyran E, Puchała J (2021) Assessing food availability: A novel approach for the quantitative estimation of the contribution of small farms in regional food systems in Europe. Global Food Security 30:100555.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gfs.2021.100555

Machado R, Bayot R, Godinho S, Pirnat J, Santos P, Sousa-Neves N (2020) LDTtool: a toolbox to assess landscape dynamics. Environmental Modelling and Software, 133.

Machado R, Godinho S, Guiomar N, Gil A, Pirnat J (2020) Using graph-theory to analyse and assess changes in Mediterranean woodland connectivity. Landscape Ecology, 35, 1291–1308. DOI:10.1007/s10980-020-01014-8

Machado R, Santos P (2019) Does wild rabbit population size affect connectivity? World Rabbit Science, 27:207-216. DOI:10.4995/wrs.2019.12068

Machado R, Godinho S, Pirnat J, Sousa-Neves N, Santos P (2018) Assessment of landscape composition and configuration via spatial metrics combination: conceptual framework proposal and method improvement. Landscape Research, 43:5, 652-664

Machado R, Magalhães P, Godinho S, Santos P (2017) Wild rabbit restocking: suitable acclimation conditions foster adaptive behaviour and improve survival of captive reared rabbits. World Rabbit Science, 25:407-414. DOI: 10.4995/wrs.2017.4107

Germano D, Machado R, Godinho S & Santos P (2016) The impact of abandoned/disused marble quarries on avifauna in the anticline of Estremoz, Portugal: does quarrying add to landscape biodiversity? Landscape Research, 41:8, 880-891. DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2016.1174772

Godinho S, Guiomar N, Machado R, Santos P, Sá-Sousa P, Fernandes JP, Neves N & Pinto-Correia T (2016) Assessment of environment, land management, and spatial variables on recent changes in montado land cover in southern Portugal. Agroforestry Systems 90:177-192. DOI: 10.1007/s10457-014-9757-7

Guiomar N, Godinho S, Fernandes PM, Machado R, Neves N & Fernandes JP (2015) Wildfires patterns and landscape changes in Mediterranean oak woodlands. Science of the Total Environment 536:338-352. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.087

Godinho S, Mestre F, Ferreira JP, Machado R & Santos P (2013) Effectiveness of habitat management in the recovery of low-density populations of wild rabbit. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58:847. DOI: 10.1007/s10344-013-0738-3

Books or Chapters

Guiomar, N., Faria, S., Godinho, S., Machado, R., Boscolo, D., 2021. Dinâmicas e evolução da paisagem. In: Carvalho-Ribeiro, S., Boscolo, D., Ciochetti, G., Firmino, A., Guiomar, N. (Org.) Ecologia da paisagem no contexto Luso-Brasileiro – Volume I, Editora Appris, Curitiba, pp. 113-150.

Santos P & Machado R. 2013. Chapter 5. “Os produtos e a multifuncionalidade do Montado”. Subchapter 5.7. “Caça” In Pinto-Correia T, Ribeiro N & Potes J (Eds) Livro Verde dos Montados. pp 61. ICAAM - Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.

Technical reports and Policy briefs

Nóvoa T, Filipe S, Machado R, Pinto-Correia T. 2025. Deliverable 3: Relatório complementar ao Policy Brief “Regeneração do solo em Portugal”: objetivos e instrumentos aplicados ao Alentejo Central. Policy Brief. Projeto Solo e Água 2030. Planapp – Centro de Planeamento e de Avaliação de Políticas Públicas.

Nóvoa T, Filipe S, Machado R, Pinto-Correia T. 2024. Regeneração do solo em Portugal: objetivos e instrumentos aplicados ao Alentejo Central. Policy Brief. Projeto Solo e Água 2030.
Planapp – Centro de Planeamento e de Avaliação de Políticas Públicas.

Godinho S, Guiomar N, Machado R, Pinto-Correia T, Tsiligiridis T, Ainali K. 2017. Map of the estimated distribution of small farms in each reference region. Deliverable 2.2 - WP2 Estimation of the distribution and production capacity of small farms. Project: SALSA - Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security. Project number: 677363. Collaborative project Horizon2020.

Godinho S, Guiomar N, Machado R, Pinto-Correia T, Tsiligiridis T, Ainali K. 2019. Methodological report and guidance for the use of SENTINEL 2 data in assessing and monitoring of small farms and crop production. Deliverable 2.3 - WP2 Estimation of the distribution and production capacity of small farms. Project: SALSA - Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security. Project number: 677363. Collaborative project Horizon2020.

Godinho S, Guiomar N, Machado R, Lourenço P, Tsiligiridis T, Ainali K, Pinto-Correia T. 2019. Report on the assessment and characterization of small farms distribution and spatial characteristics obtained from SENTINEL 2 data. Deliverable 2.4 - WP2 Estimation of the distribution and production capacity of small farms. Project: SALSA - Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security. Project number: 677363. Collaborative project Horizon2020.

Sousa-Neves N, Joaquina Ramos I, Guiomar N, Freire M, Godinho S, Machado R, Vila-Viçosa C, Mendes P, Faria S (2014). Caracterização do Risco de Erosão nos Municípios do Distrito de Évora. Relatório projecto SMIGA-AC, Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alentejo Central e Universidade de Évora. Évora